In various situations, expert opinions or certificates are required for a company’s external target groups. For example, contributions in kind must be tested for impairment in accordance with stock corporation law. In order to apply for an exemption from the levy under the German Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG), a Renewable Energy Sources Act Certificate is required. In the case of grants from the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ), for example, regular examinations and certificates are also necessary in order to receive the corresponding funding.
A recoverability certificate is required under stock corporation law, for example, to assess the recoverability of a receivable or an investment. If a stock corporation is to increase its capital with a contribution in kind, e.g. by having an investment or a claim contributed in return for the issue of shares, the recoverability of this contribution in kind must be examined in accordance with Sections 183 (3), 33 (3)–(5) of the German Joint Stock Corporations Act (AktG). Such contributions also often mean that a company valuation is required in order to assess the recoverability of an investment. In the course of such a company valuation, the company is valued by using standard valuation methods (capital-value-oriented methods such as discounted cash flow) and a valuation report is prepared in accordance with the principles for carrying out company valuations of the Institute of Public Auditors in Germany (IDW S 1).
Under the Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG), electricity-cost-intensive companies can apply for an exemption from the levy under the Renewable Energy Sources Act if the electricity cost intensity exceeds a certain threshold. One of the prerequisites for this is a certificate from an auditor in accordance with Section 64 of the Renewable Energy Sources Act. We determine the gross value added calculation and the electricity costs of the company and determine the electricity cost intensity. Furthermore, the required Renewable Energy Sources Act Certificate is issued in cooperation with an auditing firm.
In the case of complex accounting issues with greater implications for the company, an expert report will often be required. For topics such as the accounting treatment of restructurings, company acquisitions or financial instruments, specific expertise is required to answer detailed questions. Here, the relevant accounting regulations must be applied correctly and arguments carefully weighed against each other in order to provide a sound answer to the accounting question in the interests of the company. Often there is room for interpretation, which can be used to the benefit of the company.
We at WTS Advisory carry out the appropriate audits for your company and issue the necessary certificates. These are tailored to the respective needs and requirements of the external target groups. Our spectrum comprises a large number of certificates, for example with regard to the recoverability of contributions in kind, audits of the use of funds, grants from the German Society for International Cooperation, Renewable Energy Sources Act Certificates, limit price certificates in accordance with the License Levy Ordinance (Konzessionsabgabenverordnung) and other expert reports. In addition, we offer you the preparation of accounting opinions or so-called second opinions on accounting issues. We are a recognized sparring partner for all leading auditing firms.
If you are interested or have any questions, please contact us.
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