The acquisition and integration of a foreign company is a Herculean task, which is subject to a complex and multi-stage process. Numerous different work streams have to be processed at the same time and countless business aspects within the Merger & Acquisition activity have to be considered.
The first step in a company acquisition is always the assessment of the strategic fit: Do acquirers and acquirers fit together? Can synergies be exploited? What might they look like and what is the consequence if the company for sale is taken over by a competitor? These questions are asked before the actual process. Due to the information available, the analysis depth is not yet too high at this time. However, once the first indicative offer has been submitted and the data room is opened, it starts.
The evaluation of this information and the coordination between the different parties are of great importance for the overall assessment of the potential target company. In addition, the entire process is subject to high time pressure - as a rule, the time window for the first and, if necessary, second bidding round is only a few weeks. As a result, if the buyer side is too lean in the relevant departments or generally has little experience with the M&A process, it risks that important topics are not identified in time or investment opportunities are even missed.
The success factor for the secure and sustainable processing of a transaction is not only the technical competence but also the sufficient availability of capacities with the corresponding expertise. These requirements are guaranteed by WTS Advisory, as our experienced consultants have both the necessary holistic expertise, and support during the entire transaction process along the acquisition value chain from a business perspective. This concerns the core tasks of the process and the M&A project management and extends from the initial advice on the submission of an indicative offer through all phases of the M&A process to the final post-merger integration.
With your transaction, you benefit from our expertise, which we have acquired in the course of carrying out numerous financial due diligence. At the same time, with the support of the Q&A coordination, we ensure that the commercial, tax and legal due diligence experts, like all other cooperating specialists, have the necessary information. This collected information is therefore incorporated into the business plan, which we create for you in a self-developed professional financial model with different scenarios. Of course, identified synergies and carve-out topics are also taken into account. As principal of the transaction, you can concentrate on the strategic components of the transaction with WTS Advisory as a business advisory partner and enter into negotiations with the seller with excellent preparation.
We are also happy to support you with our consulting experts in small" /medium-sized M&A deals, whose value is not in proportion to the execution of a complete M&A process. Often a Red Flag financial due diligence is sufficient for a very small transaction. We provide you with concise information about the identified financial risks in the form of a focused report.
We will be happy to discuss your questions and current challenges with you!
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